Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Health Smealth

Do you know how many foods have partially hydrogenated oils? Most of them! Ack! Frank just found out that his triglycerides are too high and his doc wanted to put him on meds. He wasn’t really into that, so he has completely abandoned the following:

soda, candy, fried foods, saturated fat, foods and drinks high in sugar, foods with partially hydrogenated oils, foods with enriched white flour and red meats

So we don’t eat anything but baked chicken, pork and fish along with fresh fruits and vegetables. Steamed vegetables - no butter or salt. Since I am the worlds pickiest eater and only like carrots, corn and green beans (salted and buttered of course), I’m having a really hard time with this. I guess just by cooking for him, I’ll be healthier.

He is also running. He is running every night or morning, whichever he can. I’m not. Why? I hate to run. I hate to exercise in general. I’m using Lucy as a crutch - I work all day, so I can’t leave her to workout. How long can I get away with that? Mostly, I just hate working out.

So why the post? Well it is a confession of sorts. I’m still getting a 42 oz sweet tea from McDonalds most everyday. I’m still drinking soda. I’m still eating red meat. Why? I don’t know really. I like that stuff? Well, yes. But mostly I’m just weak. I can start the day with fantastic intentions, but I still drive to McDonalds for that sugar with a little tea. Sometimes I even get breakfast there. I’m terrible. I’m going to gain the weight back I lost earlier this year. I want to lose another twenty pounds or so, but I just can’t find that oomph in me that I had before.

So I’m making a commitment to myself and whoever chooses to read this (thanks!). I’m going to be healthy. I’m going to drink all sorts of water and very little or no soda or sweet tea. I’m going to try and expand my vegetable horizons - any suggestions? I’m doing it for me. I’m doing it for my family. Tomorrow. Or maybe next week.